Saturday, April 30, 2016

Well, Brutus, Thou Art Noble

After bending Brutus' ear, arguing passionately against Caesar, whom he portrays as an arrogant, weak, womanish fool, Cassius, left alone, reveals his dark intentions to sway Brutus to join the conspiracy to assassinate Caesar.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Wherefore Rejoice?

The tribune Marullus chastises a gaggle of plebians celebrating the triumphal arrival of Julius Caesar in Rome, bidding them remember Pompey, an earlier great Roman military leader.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

It Must Be By His Death

Brutus, having calmly heard the argument of his fellow senator, Cassius, on the dangers facing Rome because of Julius Caesar's ambition, turns the matter over for himself. From Julius Caesar, by William Shakespeare.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

I Know That Virtue

Cassius, a Roman senator, speaks to persuade his fellow senator, Brutus, of the low character of Julius Caesar.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

I Could Be Well Moved

Julius Caesar rebukes the senators in their plea for mercy on Publius Cimber, little suspecting that they are merely using this supplication as a ruse to draw near enough to stab him with their hidden daggers. From William Shakespeare's play, Julius Caesar, Act III, scene i.

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Monday, April 25, 2016

Hamlet's Speech to the Players

From The Tragedy of Hamlet, by William Shakespeare. In Act III, scene ii, Prince Hamlet advises the players of the traveling theatre troupe that has arrived at Elsinore castle on how to perform the speech he has written to insert into their upcoming performance of The Murder of Gonzago.

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Sunday, April 24, 2016

I Will Redeem All This

King Henry IV calls his profligate son Hal in for sound reprimanding, being thoroughly fed up with the prince's wastreling. In the heat of his outrage, he tells Hal that, by all his neglect of his princely decorum and duties, he is more an enemy of his father's than his political rival, Sir Henry Percy, known as Hotspur. Chastised and humbled, Prince Hal swears his undying allegiance to his father and his crown and vows to either destroy Hotspur or die trying.

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I Know You All

Prince Hal, the profligate son of King Henry IV, has been spending much of his time with Sir John Falstaff and his cronies, Poins and Francis, a group of low-lifes dedicated to drinking sack and petty theft. After bandying words with them a while, Prince Hal is left alone on stage. Looking in the direction of where they exited, Hal reveals his future intentions.

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Friday, April 22, 2016

I Know Thee Not Old Man

Prince Hal, now King Henry V, rebukes his old friend, Sir John Falstaff.

If you are interested in listening to our offerings, please subscribe through iTunes. It's free! Here's the internet iTunes page for The Vintage Verse Voice: